Byzantium - Timeline

- 150 Protoevangelium of James (Gospel of James)
- 325 First Council of Nicaea
- 330 Foundation of the city of Constantinople
- 410 Rome sacked by the Visigoths (and St. Augustine begins The City of God)
- 430 Death of St. Augustine of Hippo
- 431 Council of Ephesus (Nestorius exiled 4 years later)
- 451 Council of Chalcedon
- 450s Church of St Mary of Blachernae built
- 453 Death of Empress Pulcheria
- 483 Birth of Justinian
- 497? Birth of Theodora
- 517 Timothy becomes patriarch of Alexandria
- 518 Justin Emperor in Constantinople
- 520 Theodora in Alexandria and Antioch till 522?
- 524 Boethius executed in Rome
- 525? Theodora marries Justinian
- 527 Justinian becomes Emperor
- 529 Justinian closes the Greek pagan schools; St. Benedict founds Monte Cassino
- 530 Battle of Dara: Belisarius' Byzantines decisively defeats the Persian army
- 532 Nika riots: Hagia Sophia burnt down and 30,000+ killed in the Hippodrome. Construction begins on a new Hagia Sophia (completed by 537) - below. The Islamic minarets came later.

- 535 Death of Patriarch Timothy III of Alexandria
- 536 Severus of Antioch anathematized (he died a few years later)
- 540s Justinian’s general, Belisarius, takes Ravenna but for the rest of the decade, things begin to go badly for the Byzantines – Persians sack Antioch in 540.
- 542 Major bubonic plague pandemic in Constantinople and across the empire - millions die.
- 544 Three Chapters controversy
- 548 Death of Theodora
- 554 Plague in Constantinople
- 557 Earthquake in Constantinople, Hagia Sophia dome rebuilt
- 566 Death of Justinian
- 570s Birth of Mohammed?
- 614 Sack of Jerusalem by the Persians
- 626 Virgin Mary saves Constantinople from Persian invasion
- 640 Byzantine power in Syria and Palestine shattered