Château de Chinon

The Forteresse Royale de Chinon was built by Henry II of Anjou who died there after being defeated by his sons Richard and John in 1189. Henry, Eleanor, their son Richard, their daughter Joan and other members of the extended Plantagenet family are buried at the nearby Abbey of Fontevraud (aka Fontevrault) - see at bottom - which is about 30 minutes drive from Chinon). Below is the town viewed from the castle.

Chinon appears again in French history when the Knights Templars were imprisoned there in 1307 and in 1429 when Joan of Arc recognized the Dauphin there before leading French troops to liberate Orléans. Rabelais was born here.
Below are Henry and Eleanor's tomb at Fontevraud Abbey, and below that is an image of the abbey itself.