The Visitor's Center: Feed Your Head

The Visitor's Center: Feed Your Head
"Alice in Wonderland": the March Hare and the Mad Hatter put the Dormouse's head in a teapot. Illustration by John Tenniel.

Are you a Flat Thinker or a Linear Thinker? Is this a world of incurious technophiles who can't read a book or a newspaper article, let alone pick their way through this website? Is this website way too hard to read anyway?


I think it has to do with flat thinking that is visual, rather than sequential thinking which is linear. Flat thinking is not inferior to linear thinking. Flat thinking is spatial and relies on analogical or lateral thinking. Linear thinking offers an illusion of depth. I guess some of us do both, but one skill is gaining ground among kids while the other is losing ground. It's a wash really, not a net loss.

So what are you?

round mirror on grass
Photo by Inga Gezalian / Unsplash

Just because the Earth is Round doesn't mean that it isn't Flat as well.