Hitchcock’s 'Rear Window'

Rear Window (1954) is the story of news photographer L.B. Jeffries (Jimmy Stewart) who is confined to his Greenwich Village apartment with a broken leg. To keep himself occupied “Jeff” looks out of his window at the adjacent apartments and one day thinks he sees indications that a woman has been murdered by her husband. Jeff enlists his girlfriend Lisa (Grace Kelly) to help find the truth and before long Lisa has invaded the other man’s apartment and discovered incriminating evidence. The angry husband then invades Jeff’s apartment to kill him, but Jeff is saved from his own murder in the nick of time.

Rear Window may have been set in New York, modeled on the back of 125 Christopher Street, and most of the original buildings still stand, but it was shot on the Paramount lot in Hollywood. Hitchcock had 31 apartments built for the set, 12 of which were completely furnished. Several even had running water and electricity and even a drainage system so that rain scenes could be filmed without water pooling.
It's interesting in light of Rear Window that in an Allen Ginsberg biography, Barry Miles describes how Gregory Corso "showed Ginsberg a poem about a woman who lived across the street from him and sunbathed naked in the window. Amazingly, the woman happened to be Ginsberg's girlfriend that he was living with during one of his forays into heterosexuality. Ginsberg took Corso over to their apartment..." (Wikipedia quote). One thing led to another...