Jane Austen's Bath

Bath was Austen's home from 1801 to 1806, but she never liked the city. Still, she partially set Northanger Abbey and Persuasion there. The house that the Austens lived in for the longest while in Bath (1801-1804) was 4 Sydney Place (bottom photo).
The Circus (up above) is a famous and representative example of the Georgian architecture the city is known for. It was begun in 1754 and completed in 1768 during the city's heyday, when the portrait and landscape painter Thomas Gainsborough lived here and completed The Blue Boy.
The Circus links The Royal Crescent (shown below) which was built slightly later, to the house where the Austens lived briefly after Jane's father died in 1805 - on Gay Street (middle photo below). It branches off from The Circus and runs down to Queen Square. The Jane Austen Centre is at 40 Gay Street.