Poison Pen Letters - Timeline

- 1914 Agatha marries Archibald Christie (she is 24)
- 1919 Daughter Rosalind is born
- 1922 Stefan Zweig story Letter From an Unknown Woman published; Joyce’s Ulysses first published
- 1926 Christie’s breakthrough novel The Murder of Roger Ackroyd is published in May, her disappearance is in December
- 1928 Christie divorce is final
- 1930 Agatha Christie marries Max Mallowan
- 1935 The ABC Murders published
- 1936 Murder in Mesopotamia published
- 1938 Hitchcock’s The Lady Vanishes and Daphne DuMaurier’s Rebecca published
- 1942 The Moving Finger published; Zweig commits suicide
- 1948 Ophuls film Letter from an Unknown Woman released
- 1975 Curtain published
- 1976 Christie dies
- 1977 Christie’s autobiography published
- 1978 Gwen Robyns biography
- 1982 Agatha film released
- 1984 Janet Morgan biography of Christie