Spinster - Timeline

- 1775 Jane Austen born in Steventon, Hampshire
- 1795 begins work on Sense and Sensibility
- 1796 Tom Lefroy incident
- 1797 News comes of Tom Fowle’s death and she begins work on Pride and Prejudice
- 1798 Begins Northanger Abbey; completed the following year
- 1800 Family moves from Steventon to Bath
- 1802 Jane Austen rejects Harris Bigg-Wither’s proposal of marriage
- 1803 Revises Northanger Abbey
- 1805 Jane Austen’s father dies
- 1806 Family moves to Southampton, Hampshire
- 1809 Family moves to Chawton, Hampshire, not that far from Steventon
- 1811 Sense and Sensibility published
- 1813 Pride and Prejudice published
- 1814 Mansfield Park published
- 1816 Emma published
- 1817 Jane Austen dies in Winchester
- 1818 Persuasion and Northanger Abbey published
For a more detailed timeline, try Wikipedia here.