Kama-Sutra - Timeline

- 1821 Sir Richard Burton born
- 1842-49 Burton in India
- 1857 Obscene Publications Act in the UK
- Indian Mutiny
- 1861 Burton marries Isabel
- 1871 Burton transferred to Trieste
- 1877 Herman Hesse born
- 1883 Burton publishes The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana
- 1885 Burton publishes Ananga Ranga, The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night
- 1886 Burton finishes The Perfumed Garden
- Krafft-Ebing’s Psychopathia Sexualis is published
- 1890 Death of Burton
- 1893 Burton biography by his wife Isabel
- 1894 Aldous Huxley born
- 1895 Krishnamurti born
- 1901-2 Aleister Crowley visits India
- 1904 Birth of Joseph Campbell
- Hesse marries Maria
- 1909 Krishnamurti embraced by the Theosophists
- 1911 Hesse visits India
- 1917 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi born
- 1918 Oswald Spengler’s The Decline of the West published
- 1919 Massacre in Amritsar by the British
- Hesse publishes Demian but his marriage is finished
- 1922 Hesse publishes Siddhartha (he started it in 1919 and finished it in 1920)
- Krishnamurti’s life-changing experience in Ojai
- 1923 Arthur Moeller van den Bruck’s The Third Reich published
- 1925 Guru Dutt born
- 1925-26 Aldous Huxley visit to India
- 1927 Hesse’s Steppenwolf is published
- 1929 Krishnamurti dissolves Theosophist religion
- 1931 Birth of Rajneesh (Osho)
- 1932 Hesse publishes Journey to the East
- 1937 Huxley and his wife move to Hollywood
- 1938 Beginning of Huxley’s interest in Krishnamurti
- Campbell marries his wife Jean
- 1940 Thomas Mann’s The Transposed Heads: A Legend of India
- 1943 Hesse’s The Glass Bead Game published
- 1945 Aldous Huxley publishes The Perennial Philosophy
- 1948 Indian independence
- 1949 Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces
- 1951 Hesse’s Siddartha published in the U.S.
- 1954 Huxley’s The Doors of Perception published (and Heaven and Hell in 1956)
- 1954 Campbell’s first visit to India
- 1962 Aldous Huxley’s Island published
- UK passes the Commonwealth Immigrants Act
- Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam released
- Beatles get their first recording contract
- Death of Hermann Hesse
- Pete Best fired
- India military defeat by China
- 1963 Death of Huxley
- 1964 Death of Guru Dutt; Meena Kumari separates from her husband
- 1968 Beatles in Rishikesh; The Beatles (White Album)
- 1972 Death of Meena Kumari and Geeta Dutt
- 1980 Death of John Lennon
- 1987 Death of Joseph Campbell
- 1990 Death of Rajneesh (Osho)