
Verona is the city of the Roman poet Catullus, the composer Salieri (of Amadeus fame), and three early Shakespearean plays: Romeo and Juliet; his "trial run" The Two Gentlemen of Verona and the ironic comedy The Taming of the Shrew, which is set in both Verona and Padua.

Speaking of Romeo and Juliet, while living here, Dante did write of two feuding families - perhaps in the Piazza delle Erbe, shown up top. It may never have been Juliet's balcony (shown below) but it is now. Reportedly, the balcony was added to the house sometime between 1928 and 1936. Similarly, folklore placed her marriage to Romeo in the Basilica di San Zeno Maggiore and her tomb in the old monastery San Francesco al Corso on the Via del Pontiere, but these likely date to the early 19th century. For her statue, go here.

In keeping with how the play ended, below is the Verona of L'Aqua Morta (1884) by Bartolomeo Bezzi.

On a more cheerful note, below is central Verona today: the Portoni della Brà.