Witches Ride

Witches Ride
From Suzdal, Vladimir Oblast, Russia. Photo: Rudolf Malinovskij.

In The Master and Margarita, the heroine and her maid Natasha become witches. And why not?

By and large Russian painters have not tackled witches very often, although Russian folklore produced one of the most fearsome of them all, Baba Yaga. The most famous painting of her is by Ivan Bilibin but I like this one by Vasnetsov more:


The most interesting paintings of witches are by the Renaissance Germans. One of the best was the amazing Hans Baldung Grien, whose Three witches and Witch and Dragon, from around 1514-1515, are below. Baldung is credited with being the first to introduce explicit eroticism into religious art, including the Fall of Adam and Eve.
